Dark Light

No you didn’t read wrong, the title is correct – PHP manager will work with IIS 7 and 7.5

The official IIS site now features a very cool download allowing you to:

  • Register PHP with IIS;
  • Validate and properly configure existing PHP installations;
  • Run multiple PHP versions side by side on the same server and even within the same web site;
  • Check PHP runtime configuration and environment (output of phpinfo() function);
  • Configure various PHP settings;
  • Enable or disable PHP extensions;
  • Remotely manage PHP configuration in php.ini file.

Nicolas Blank is a Microsoft Messaging Infrastructure Architect. Nicolas is an Microsoft Exchange MVP (renewed 4 times and currently hold status) and MCM (Microsoft Certified Master) on Exchange 2010, consults on Exchange and related technologies internationally. Nicolas is the founder of ITPRO AFRICA, and has spoken on Exchange Migration, scalability, sizing, UM and development topics at various community and other events including The Experts Conference 2010, Tech-Ed, TechDays and various community and events.


Nicolas Blank

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Tagged as: IIS, Interop, PHP

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